Tag Archives: Destiny

Where is P.T. and an update on Destiny…

Bonjour everyone!

And that’s the extent of my French..well, unless you count: Je ne parle pas français (I don’t speak French). Parlez-vous anglais? (Do you speak English?), Je ne comprends pas (I don’t understand.), Je suis désolé (I’m sorry), S’il vous plaît (please), merci (thank you); oui (yes), and au revoir (good-bye).

I know I’ve been quiet, but it’s been quite the adjustment trying to figure out how to buy groceries, work with delivery people, and just run daily errands without speaking the language. Turns out that very few people speak English in the area I live in. :/

Imagine, wherever you go, everyone around you sounds like Charlie Brown’s teacher (well, except the language sounds beautiful). It makes even the simplest errand a trial in charades, finger pointing, and the hope that Google Translate is accurate so you don’t come back from the dry cleaners with your husband’s dress pants as a pair of Bermuda shorts. And, of course, your brain implodes when you finally get out the one phrase you’ve practiced saying and then you try to understand what’s being said back to you in rapid French. If I were six, I’d pick this new language up in no time, but I’m waaaaaay past six. LOL!

France is absolutely lovely with scenery like:
(click the images to see bigger versions)

Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel  FrenchFlag   Onaparisanwalk

But I’ve definitely had moments while trying to understand what’s being said to me that make me feel like this:

and this

and even a few times like this…

Sometimes life throws you a major curve and you just have to roll with it. Intensive French lessons are a priority now, just so I can live my daily life. DESTINY is being worked on everyday, but going slower than I want. Not finding any summer camps here to keep my kids occupied hasn’t helped either.

For obvious reasons, DESTINY’s release date is getting pushed back. This book will release in 2013, but I’m not giving a new date until I know I can meet it. As time gets closer, a date will be given.

In the meantime, I’ll provide updates on my progress on DESTINY every so often. All of the updates will be on my Facebook page, and I’ll also throw in a french phrase or word of the day too, so you can learn a little bit (un petite peu) of French right along with me. 🙂

For those who don’t want to follow me on PT Michelle Facebook page , or if you don’t want to have to keep checking back on my website, I also offer a newsletter that I only send out to announce when new books are released or if I have a big contest you might want to know about so you can enter. My newsletter email will come straight to your inbox. You can sign up for my newsletter here or here: http://bit.ly/11tqAQN

Thank you for your support and understanding. I really appreciate you loving Ethan and Nara’s story!



Huge BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS Giveaway! (Ends 5/27)

Thank you all for being so supportive of the BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS series! DESTINY is coming, but in the meantime, here’s an awesome swag giveaway! You can pick and choose the things you’d like to do to enter. Have fun and good luck!

NOTE: This contest ends on 5/27 and the winners will be announced on 5/29. Once the winners are announced on the Rafflecopter form (I’ll also email them), they’ll have 36 hours to provide their mailing information to me via email or a new winner will be picked.

See below for a list of seven total prizes prizes being offered (with pictures because we all like visuals) with this giveaway! The Rafflecopter entry form is at the bottom of this post.

Grand prize pack: 1 women’s large fitted BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS t-shirt (fits like a woman’s medium), 1 mouse pad, a signed set of BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS and LUCID, and a set of BKoD buttons for you and three extras sets of BKoD buttons to giveaway.


1st prize pack: 1 women’s large fitted BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS t-shirt (fits like a woman’s medium), a signed set of BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS and LUCID, and a set of BKoD buttons.

2nd prize pack: 1 BKoD mouse pad, a set of BKoD buttons, and reader’s choice of a signed copy of either BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS or LUCID.
2ndPrizePack1   OR 2ndPrizePack2

3rd prize pack: 1 BKoD mouse pad, a set of buttons for you and one set to giveaway, and signed bookplates.


3 Runner’s Up prize packs: 1 set of BKoD buttons and signed bookplates.RunnersUpPrizePack

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Prizes in Giveaway

UPDATE on DESTINY and a HUGE BKoD Giveway!

If anyone ever tells you that getting ready to move internationally is a piece of cake, don’t believe them. Just don’t. It’s a whole other complex ball of wax. I’ve moved several times within the US, but I had no idea just what I was getting myself into move-wise with this new venture heading across the pond. There is SO much behind the scenes stuff to get done. Oy! Unfortunately this means DESTINY’s release is getting pushed back a couple of months. I’m sorry to disappoint, but I’d rather push the date back, then hurry to meet a date and release a subpar book. DESTINY is coming along nicely, but you all deserve the very best story I can write and I refuse to compromise on that. My sincerest apologies to you that you’ll have to wait a little longer for the next installment in Ethan and Nara’s journey. Thank you so much for your patience. **The new release date for DESTINY is 7/31**.

There is some GOOD news in this post though. While I’m running around like a crazy woman packing/shipping/storing stuff and filling out a gazillion more pieces of paperwork than I already have (Seriously? You need MORE paperwork? ARGH!), you all get to have fun entering to win some fabulous prizes in a HUGE BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS giveaway!

See below for the awesome prizes that will be offered in this HUGE giveaway including the following: signed print books, BKoD tshirts, mousepads, buttons and bookplates! The Rafflecopter entry form will be posted very soon!

Hugs and thank you for all your wonderful support!

P.S. If you want to see some of my answers on my upcoming move, you can check out my discussion with readers on my FB page here:


Prizes in Giveaway