Tag Archives: Updates

AWAKEN in October & Giveaway contest to win print book bundle!

My apologies that I didn’t post this on my blog/website too. I posted a video on FB if you want to see it here, but here’s what went out in my newsletter yesterday about AWAKEN’s upcoming release…


AWAKEN (the last BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS book) IS coming in October! The move back to the US from France and other unforeseen circumstances has delayed me but it IS coming!  As a fun thank you to readers who’ve been patient for 2 years waiting for AWAKEN’s release…for every three days past Sept 30th, I will be giving away a full set of the BKoD series in print (up through the books currently available today (includes: Ethan, BKoD, Lucid, Destiny and Desire) until I give a new release date for AWAKEN. It should be in October.

** The giveaway print BKoD bundle will be the original covers **

UPCOMING GIVEAWAY (for BKoD series print bundle)

Starting October 3rd, I’ll be giving away a whole set of the BKoD books in print (up through Desire) to one lucky winner. This giveaway will be hosted on Facebook. If you haven’t LIKED me there, please do so you don’t miss out on the giveaways. 🙂 Here’s the link: https://www.facebook.com/PTMichelleAuthor. I’ll do another giveaway on October 6th and another on October 9th until I give you all a release date for AWAKEN. Of the sets I give away, ONE of those BKoD sets will be given away on the next newsletter I send out, so be sure to join my newsletter if you’re not already on it and open my newsletters and check to see if you won! 

AWAKEN update…

For those who are waiting on AWAKEN (Brightest Kind of Darkness, Book 5 – the final book) news…I’d hoped for an August** release, but September is more realistic. Each time I have moved, it has thrown me off my writing schedule, but this move from France back to the US has taken FAR, FAR more of my time away from writing than I anticipated. I thought the US part would be so much easier, but too many moving parts, a new town, new house, and life changes are all happening at once. :/

The good news is I am writing every day and I have no plans to move ever again (if I can help it! PLEASE, NO MORE MOVES!). I want to give you all the best book I can, and AWAKEN is the only story I’m working on until it’s finished. I will update as I get closer.

Yes, this means that BLACK PLATINUM will get pushed back a little bit. I’ll be updating the preorder for it on iBooks soon once I see where I am with timing on AWAKEN.

I apologize to you all for my scheduling adjustment, but I am human and if I push to write at lightning speed, the stories won’t be as good as they can be. I love my readers and am doing my best to make you happy while also not stressing myself to the point of sheer exhaustion. I’m so appreciative that you all are excited about AWAKEN’s release and are passionate about Ethan and Nara. AWAKEN is coming and BLACK PLATINUM with Sebastian and Talia will be right behind it. 🙂

** FYI to authors…if you just put the month and leave the “day” blank in the in the date field on Goodreads with the intention to fill it in later, people will assume the release date is the first of the month. Argh! Lesson learned.

“In the Shadows” on Google Play & Other Updates

GogglePlayInTheShadows2The IN THE SHADOWS series is now on GOOGLE PLAY!

You can also get all the IN THE SHADOWS books on: iBooks, Amazon, B&N and Kobo. If you haven’t checked out the series, you can get book 1, MISTER BLACK, for FREE!

BUY LINKS for MISTER BLACK: Google Play : iBooks : Amazon
B&N : Kobo

Awaken for Ebook 400x600



Update on AWAKEN (Brightest Kind of Darkness Book 5). It won’t be releasing this year, but the good news is I’m giving a release time frame of May/June 2016!

Add AWAKEN to your GOODREADS shelf. 🙂