When should you read ETHAN?

ETHANWhen I wrote ETHAN (the novella prequel to BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS) it was with the intention of creating a story that would provide some new information to readers who’ve already read BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS (book 1) and LUCID (book 2), yet at the same time this novella wouldn’t give any spoilers away to those who are new to the series. I tried very hard to accomplish that, which turned out to be quite the challenge. Do you have any idea how hard it is to write a prequel to a series full of mystery elements and NOT give things away for the books that already exist? *blinks with wide eyes* It ain’t easy-peasy, lemme tell ya! 🙂

For those of you who’ve already read BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS and LUCID, you’re probably wondering if you should bother to read ETHAN (prequel novella to BKoD).  First, ETHAN’s entirely in Ethan’s P.O.V. <–Definite bonus! Second, did you know music plays a role in Ethan’s life? Do you know the real reason why Ethan doesn’t carry a cell phone? Did you know Ethan was involved in Nara’s life way before they actually met in BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS? You’ll learn all that and much more in ETHAN, so yeah, I’d say it’s worth a read, especially since it will help lead you into the things that’ll happen in DESTINY.

P.S. ETHAN will pull at the heartstrings. Grab a tissue. 🙂

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If you’re a fan of the BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS series, I think you’ll love ETHAN, and if you haven’t read any of the BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS books, what are you waiting for? *g*  But since I’m a wee bit biased on anything pertaining to Ethan, here’s a sampling of some ETHAN reviews to help you decide…

















Many thanks to the readers and bloggers who’ve been so supportive of the BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS series!

Can’t get enough BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS series info? Here are a few more series EXTRAs:

Extra #1: Would you like to know what really happened the day Ethan saved Nara’s life on the soccer field in BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS? To read Chapter 22 from ETHAN’s point of view? Go here and check it out!

Extra #2: Here’s a scene from when Nara was a child. If you haven’t read BKoD & LUCID, read them first, then check out the scene called UNFORESEEN here!

Extra #3: Click here for playlists and interviews!

Happy Reading!

~ P.T.