Tag Archives: Contest

Brightest Kind of Darkness/Lucid Print Book Giveaway (US & International)

I just wanted to say a huge thank you to my readers all over the globe! I appreciate you talking about BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS and LUCID to all your reader friends, posting reviews and book covers, and in general being the best fans ever! So as a thank you, I’m giving away two signed print copies of BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS or LUCID. Enter via the RaffleCopter form below. I will pick two winners and the winner can choose which book he/she wants. And YES, this contest is open to everyone!  Have fun!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


LUCID Teaser Quote, Contest, Vote for BKoD & Reviews!


I’m counting down the days until LUCID’s release! TWELVE more days! Did you see the Quote from LUCID I posted on my PT Michelle Facebook Page? No? I posted the teaser quote on June 22. Check it out and please LIKE me so you don’t miss any other teasers! 🙂


Froggy has posted an awesome review of BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS on her Froggarita Bookcase blog. For anyone who hasn’t read BKoD and would like to, there’s a chance to enter to win an eBook copy as well. If you’ve read BKoD, tell your friends to enter!


Also, BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS is nominated for INDIEpendence Day-A Celebration of Indie Authors.  Vote for your favorite Indie books from 7/2-5! Please, help put BKoD in the running! 🙂


“…I loved this book! I loved how the plot just flowed so nicely throughout the whole book.  I loved the characters Nara and Ethan…I totally ship them now. They have chemistry and the relationship between then grew at a good believable rate that wasn’t rushed or forced along. You will totally fall for Ethan once you read this book!” Click here to read the entire review at Froggarita’s Bookcase.


“…So yeah.. I read this book in about 8 hours. It wouldn’t have taken so long but I’m pretty easily distracted. However, I did keep coming back to this book because I didn’t want to put it down. I wanted more with each turn of the page (or swipe of the finger.. whatever)…” Click here to read the entire review at I’m a Book Shark


“…This book kept me anticipating each chapter and wanting to know what happened that when I finished I was at a loss for words hoping that P. T. Michelle had a sequel in the works…” Click here to read the entire review at Me, My Shelf & I


“…an entertaining read; if you love suspense and romance this is the book for you…” Click here to read the entire review on Dark Faerie Tales.

Writing Process, Giveaways & Reviews!

Old School - You like? I found this in my dad's attic. We've come a long way, baby!


When I first started writing, I didn’t outline. At all. I just sat down and started writing, flying with the story right along with the characters. I was what you’d call a panster writer (I wrote by the seat of my pants). Then later, when my books’ storylines became more complex, and especially as I moved further into a series, for my own sanity I had to learn to outline.

I don’t write 100 page synopsis, because then I’d feel like I’ve already written a mini version of the story, but instead I write one-liners that say, This happens in this scene, then another one-liner that says, and then this happens in this scene. I do this over and over until I’ve created a basic outline of the whole story. That process works for me, mainly so I know “where” I’m planning to go. Do I veer off the outline? Heck yeah, but at least I can look ahead in my “very loose outline” and anticipate where I wanted to go, so I can see how to get on track. Or even if I want to. 😉 I guess my current process makes me a hybrid-pantster, because I lightly outline the story, but I still give myself lots of permission to adapt it as I go.

Haha, of course this is just my process for the rough draft. Then I layer. That’s a whole other cray-cray process. Think onions and tears, but BOY does it add flavor to the story! 😉

As far as writing a story, I’m an linear writer, which means I write the story that I see playing in my head like a movie from start to finish. I might think ahead to scenes I want to write, but I don’t actually write that scene until I get to it in the story. I have some writer friends who write all over they place, meaning that they write the scenes in the story as the scenes come to them and then at the end, they piece all the scenes into place, moving them around and weaving them into the story. It always boggles my mind that some of my friends can work like that. LOL! But see that’s the beauty of it, there’s not a right or a wrong way to create a story. It all comes down to how YOUR writing brain works to help you get the story written. 🙂


Check out the guest blog I did with Kristi at The Book Faery where  wrote about mythology and the BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS world.  While you’re there, enter for a chance to win two different prizes, 1 eBook and 1 print copy of BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS!  (Giveaway ends in 3 days)


Don’t forget, I’m offering a chance to win a SIGNED copy of BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS!  Go here to enter. (Giveaway ends in two days)


Anna has asked several authors a series of interview questions on her The Bursting Bookshelf blog over the past week. Go here to check out my answers to:

1) Where did you come up with the idea for your book?
2) Did you find finishing writing your book bittersweet?
3) What is your favorite part of writing for the genre that you do?
4) What has been the most rewarding aspect of being an author?
5) Was there any part of your book that was particularly hard to write?
6) Who was your favorite character to write and why? Who was your least?
7) Did you put any aspect of your life into your book?



“…Highly entertaining to those of those who enjoy the paranormal with a good amount of romance mixed in…” Click here to read the entire review at JJ Reads


Also, I recently added a sign up form for my newsletter. If you want to be instantly informed when I have a new release, click here and fill out the form sign up for my newsletter.